Hard to believe, but the little idea that wouldn't go away, SAK Theatre will be 40 years old, August 17th ... this year—2017. The original troupe will be performing at their birthplace—the Minnesota Renaissance Festival—for the opening weekend, 19 & 20 August.
"Be there, or be somewhere else!"
Photo: Original SAK Theatre street gang at Minn. Ren Fest, 1977. L to R from top: Bob Lockman (R.I.P 1954-2011), C. McNair Wilson, Terry Olson, Bernelle Hansen, G. Herbert Hansen, Katie Blackburn. All will be there, except our dear Bob who got a higher gig in 2011.
Come and help us celebrate by grabbing some of the SAK@40 commemorative gear. I have created three different designs and each is available on a dizzying array of items from a bazzillion shirts and hoodies, to mugs, hats, buttons, stickers, blankets, catheters ... you'll see. Even if you cannot be with us for opening weekend of the Minn Ren Fest, grab some SAK@40 stuff and wear it that weekend ... "wear-ever" your are. Here's the link to the online shop: McNair's Adventurers Outfitters
And here are the images.
Our now-legendary motto:
"The Audience Like It, So We Did it Again ...."
"... Forty Years of Eating Turkey Legs and Wearing Colorful Tights."
And then a re-do of an old SAK design from the 1980's, now in color, with a new caption:
SAK Theatre: The Silliest Show In The Known Universe! 1977-2017
Hope to see you in Minnesota!