I liked Disney's "new" JUNGLE BOOK, but how do they call it a "live action" remake when ALL the animals were CGI and the movie was filmed on giant "blue screen" sets in warehouses in Downtown Los Angeles. Here's a link to a "Making of JUNGLE BOOK" featurette. (If you have not YET seen this film, save the link, go to Netflix and watch the movie, then return to the "Making of ..." : http://thevirtualassist.net/the-making-of-the-jungle-book/
The kid was great. Loved his version of "Bear Necessities" when he's ... NO SPOILERS, but he sings with grand, joyful abandon. If you've ever watched a kid, playing alone in the backyard who doesn't know anyone's watching ... you'll recognize the spirited imagination.
We all did it ... once upon a childhood.
This new Jungle Book is well worth watching. Then go back and watch the near-flawless original of Disney's animated adaption of the Rudyard Kipling classic.
FOR PARENTS: the new, version has some very intense moments that may make it unsuitable for younger kids. Watch the origianl with the little ones. But be prepared to be singnig "Bear Necessities" ... the REST OF YOUR LIFE.ersion
"Don't let the world around you squeeze you into its own mold. But l transformed by the renewing of your mind. But let God remold your minds from within ..." - St. Paul, Romans 12:2, J.B.Phillips New Testament.