"When is the best time to do a seminar with my staff (team, department ...) on creativity?"
This question arrives via email, face-to-face at conferences ... a LOT. The answer is always, "I'm available next week. In fact, I was available LAST week."
NOW you can have me interact with your group ... FREE, and LIVE. Here's how.
Buy ten copies of HATCH! for your staff, department, project team, or... and get a FREE 45 min. Q&A with me. Buy the books all at one time, shipped to the same address, at $5 off the cover price (as seen on Amazon) and I will do a 45 min open session with your group LIVE via Skype.
This will work BEST if you give your team/group a full month to read, digest, and discuss HATCH! so the questions can be geared to your current projects or other group-specific concerns.
I can always tell by the first few question whether they’ve read the book. I want to take you deeper. This can even be me helping you work through a current project. Your choice. Once you receive the books give the group notice that, in a month (no less) they will have a chance to interact with "the author" LIVE. Then, email me—when everyone has read the book—to set up a time that works for all of us.
• Consider having one or two sessions with your group in advance of our live Q&A to discuss their reactions to HATCH! and scratch out a rough outline of the best use of our time together during the Skype session.
Yes, I know you could buy 10 copies of HATCH! on this site by getting 3 sets of 3 books—@ $50 set—plus one more book at $20 for a total of $170. But that would NOT include the FREE Skype session.
Questions? Email me :: [email protected]
YES! I will sign all ten copies and inscribe them to each member of the team. Please submit (first) names with your order. (First names make it more personal.)
Link to my online store: www.cmcnairwilson.selz.com
---> For INTERNATIONAL orders (including Canada) please email me for shipping rate.