My home for the last five weeks has been Belhaven University. They have posted an online banner for the play I've been directing here, Everyone Knows What a Dragon Looks Like, LINK. Based on the wonderful children's book of the same title it is a fable from ancient Chine with a lesson for all times and all ages. We are incorporating elements and elements from street theatre, Chinese theatre, puppetry, and all performed at Belhaven's mamoth Entergy Pavillion. (See photo)
Curiously, this space has never been used for a cultural event though it sets in the center of campus. I snapped a photo of the cast (below) with my iPhone after lest nights (Sat. 29 Oct.) technical rehearsal. We ran the show twice with props, sound, sets (all manipulated by the cast). Costume will be added Monday and tuesday nights for dress rehearsals.
Show details (8 performances in 4days, opening this Wed. 2 NOv. at 6:3o pm.) online HERE. The performance is suitable for kindergarten children through ... and it is silly enough for grown ups. The play is approximately 1:10 and there is a preshow and "Stretch break" (no formal intermission.) come early and join us at the stone table to draw a dragon. Admission is FREE for all ages, all performances. (No tickets of reservations, just show up.) Tell your friends in the south to come by. Feel free to link this post to you blog, Facebook, Twitter account ... I will be at every preformance.