For years I've been asked when I am going to transform the ideas and stories in my "Recapturing Your Creative Spirit" presentation into book form. (See video link in "Prelude" of the blog, above.) The new book—the one I am writing, not the one being prepped for publishing ("HATCH!")—is that book. It will be a good companion to the ideas in HATCH! I've been playing with the ideas in this next book—scratching out bits and pieces—for a couple of years. The heart of the book is about re-connecting with and re-igniting your original creativity. We all have it. We used our creativity without compunction or ego when we were kids, very little kids. But then, as the bumper sticker should say, "School Happens."
The NEW book is a "non-fiction fable". You'll see.
In it I share great lessons from unusual sources, as told to me by "a guy who attended one of my half day workshops." One of my favorite chapters, so far, is called, "Watch Me Pull a Rabbit Out of My Hat: Leadership Lessons from Moose & Squirrel." All these years later, Bullwinkle J. Moose is still relevant. Here he is (below) in a recent cartoon from Michael Ramirez (9/16/11, Investor's Business Daily). By the by, Bullwinkle NEVER did pull a rabbit out of his hat--though he kept on trying.
There so much to learn from the lovable moose: his unflagging persistence, optimism in the face of danger (if Boris Badenov can be considered danger), indefatigable commitment to living life to the fullest, and endless child-like curiosity.
If you haven't watched "Moose & Squirrel" recently they are available in DVD, VHS (huh?), even on YouTube. Virtually every episode has a lesson or moral of some sort. And they are always entertaining for ALL ages. That was the genius of their creator Jay Ward. (His name is the source of Rocky and Bullwinkle's shared middle initial.)
In prepping this post I searched for an apt clip from the shows, but found instead a rare interview with June Foray and Bill Scott: the voices of Rocky and Bullwinkle—classic!
Along with being a life-long learner, I am a big proponent (and practitioner) in be ready to find truth in unusual places. After all these years: Rocky & Bullwinkle first appeared in 1959 and stopped production in 1964. Although there have been NO NEW episodes created in forty-eight years .. they live on in toys, media, books, the web, and our hearts. People who are far younger than 48 know Rocky & Bullwinkle - - even teens and collegians who think Viet Nam was Paul McCartney's first band.
A small bit of their current recognition is due to the live action/animated movie The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (2002) with Jason Alexander as "Boris Badenov", Rene Russo as Natasha, and Robert De Niro ("Who doesn't love Rocky and Bullwinkle?") as "Fearless Leader."
In the time it took me to plunk out this post I might have written another chapter of ... whoa ... almost gave away the title of my next book.