This Sunday, 30 March 2008
My one-man play (one of three), FROM UP HERE, will have two, live performances this Sunday, 30 March '8 at Monte Vista Chapel in Turlock, (in California's verdant central valley.) Turlock is near beautiful downtown Ceres!
These will be full, one hour performances in both Sunday morning services at 9:15 and 10:45 am. Admission is absolutely free and Monte Vista Chapel is a lively and casual place.
If you live in Northern California, can skip the "church of your choice" for a week, or are willing to Tivo your favorite Sunday morning political gab fest, come on down. And if you do, please do say, "Hi." (I'll be the guy in the sweaty shirt, standing just outside the front door, and slugging back cold water.)
This is a one hour romp through the Older and Newer Testaments through the first-person accounts of a dozen of history and the Bible's greatest hits: Adam & Eve, Noah, Abraham & Isaac, Moses, Nimrod (who?), King David, some guys on camels, some other guys on crosses, and a very old guy in Heaven who's considering a visit to the garden planet for "a few minutes, days, weeks...what do they have down there?"
We meet each character in elevated place: a tree, balcony, tower, mountain top, or the deck of the largest back-yard-do-it-yourself project in history. You've heard these stories think, but not told by those who were there, in their own words.
From comedy to tragedy, I break open the old theatrical trunkful of tricks for this show. It is all performed in street clothes and matching socks, using only a ladder, cup of water, scrap of paper, and your imagination.
I imagine you'll love it.
If you are unable to attend, because you live in Spain, or some other weak excuse, tell a friend!
P.S. Happy Birthday! (today, 27 March) to my baby brother, Todd. If you're going through Sheldon, Iowa, TP his house for me. And that address is...
"How many siblings do you have, McNair?"
Well...I am the next-to-the-youngest of two.