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...you did enjoy the time for us, too, didn't you? Sure thought a lot about the folks, including you two, I knew who were there. Already heard from Doug this AM. Am eager for more...soon.

susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy

We are the luckiest people in the world to have a man in Narnia!
especially a McNair fellow...
thank you, i enjoyed every delicious morsel and syllable
sending you love~


...well, I was going to see the movie. I knew that already. It sounds like I will be calendering multiple viewings! Nice to see you back on the "post"!


Saw the movie today. YS asked me to write up a ditty on it for the website. Three children in my theater had to be taken out by mommies. There was a kid in my row who either had the soda with its own tide, or a bladder problem. (four trips across my feet).


I liked it.

I remember hearing Mike Yaconelli once rant about the Episcopal Church's LION video series and how horrible he thought THAT Aslan was.

I think he'd be happy with this one.

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Images du McNaire

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    IAMGES du McNAIRE • an ill-assorted collection of images from recent exploits and speaking/performance engagements. Wherever possible credit is given to photographers. ALL photos from my Haiti trip (8/5) are by my new pal David Duchemin, photo journalist, author, comdian (a.k.a. Rubber Chicken Guy), and full time Canadian. See more of his Haiti photos and Paris and other paintings of light and shadows David's blog ~ www.fearfullyhuman.com ~ worth a visit. COMING SOON ~ Photos of my upcoming European trip, including a visit to Disneyland Paris and other surprises!

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Tea Ingredients:

    As a freelance stage director / Artist-in-Residence :: two stints at Huntington University (Indiana.) At Huntington our production of ALICE IN WONDERLAND featured an inventive cast including (L-R photo at top): Kylie Edmonds as Doormouse; Mr.Jeffrey Blossom as March Hair; McNair Wilson, Director; Lauralee Brautigam as Alice; and the indefatigable Daniel Neil Olson as a very Mad Hatter. (Photo by Mr. Mike Burnett.) I love directing for the stage–call me, TODAY!
    TEA WITH McNAIR contains original writing, scribblings, doodles, and whimsies by C.McNair Wilson. When you "choose to use" any part of this web log, attribution to McNair Wilson is requested. ALSO INCLUDE A LINK to this site. I do the same when quoting other blogs, websites, articles, books, etc. Thanks for sipping by.
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